Anxiety Therapy

Do you find yourself awake in the middle of the night, thoughts racing, running through all kinds of worst-case scenarios, frantically googling?

Is anxiety getting in the way of success at work? In relationships? With family and friends?

Has your world gotten smaller and smaller as you’ve tried to establish greater safety and stability?

Do you experience a racing heartrate, chills, sweats, numbness, and random pain out of nowhere?

Does it feel like your brain is irrationally consumed with fearful thoughts about your safety and the safety of others?

Are you overwhelmed by constantly ruminating on “what if…” catastrophizing thoughts?

We all experience some degree of anxiety from time to time, it’s a normal human emotion that can help us deal with problems that arise. Unfortunately, sometimes anxiety can take deeper root and start to impact your daily life in a multitude of unwanted ways. Even when you recognize that continued worrying is unproductive, you may feel powerless to stop your brain from repetitively going over and over things in an exercise of futility and distress.

One of the differences between simple worry and anxiety is the cause for the anxious feelings. In most cases, worry is very specific and can prompt us to problem-solve and take action. Typically, you may be worried about realistic problems that are likely brought on by stress. Worry is time-limited and you should generally feel in control of how much and for how long you allow yourself to be consumed by your worried thoughts. Worry is also typically easier to set aside in order to get on with other personal or professional life activities.

Anxious thoughts and feelings, on the other hand, are harder to set aside and can dog your every step no matter how much you try to ignore or avoid them. Anxiety is much more persistent and long-lasting and can feel both emotionally and physically distressing. Often, the object of our anxiety may seem irrational to others. Our perception of threat is exaggerated and may sometimes be unrealistic. Frequently, when the crisis has passed, we can look back and wonder with bemusement at how we could have been quite so activated by something that was either so small or may never have actually been a realistic threat. And yet, in the moment, it feels so real and so impossible to escape.

You are not alone

According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the United States. An estimated 40 million Americans, 18 years and older, or 18.1% of the population, experience a diagnosable anxiety disorder every year. That’s nearly 1 in 5 American adults! Honestly, this statistic is borne out in our anecdotal experience as anxiety therapy providers in Washington, DC. Sometimes, it feels more like 20-30% of the adult population! In truth, in our current times, there can be no doubt that humans all over the world have been experiencing greater than usual rates of anxiety given how terrifying and destabilizing the COVID pandemic has been. Additionally, topics such as politics, social justice/inequity, and climate change have increased levels of anxiety for nearly everyone regardless of your personal beliefs or experiences.

Further, anxiety often intersects with the experiences of depression and trauma. Almost half of all people diagnosed with depression are also diagnosed with anxiety, making for even more of a painful experience. Fortunately, anxiety disorders are highly treatable and the vast majority of people suffering from anxiety can find relief through psychotherapy, medication, complementary therapies, or a combination of the above.

An anxiety therapist can help

At Cindy Kim & Associates, our anxiety therapists are trained and experienced in supporting our clients to find effective ways to manage anxiety. We’ll meet, typically once weekly, for 45-minute sessions during which we’ll seek to compassionately understand the origins of your anxiety, assist you in identifying any negative beliefs about self you may have, and discover new tools and strategies to break free from the swirl of thoughts, emotions, and physical symptoms you may be suffering from.

The techniques of mindful awareness, self-regulating guided visualizations, and meditation have proven efficacy. These practices come from ancient Eastern lineages of Buddhism, Hinduism, and Japanese Zen meditation, that have stood the test of time. Additionally, we draw from the teachings of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in practicing thought stopping, thought replacement, and exposure.

It’s impossible to discuss anxiety without also mentioning trauma. For many folks, anxiety is borne from the experience of deep emotional wounds. You may be suffering from a singular dramatic episode of trauma which is now impacting your ability to live your life to its fullest. Alternatively, you may have survived a multitude of traumas throughout your childhood, adolescence, or adulthood that have taught you to expect bad things to happen, inhibiting how much you allow yourself to take risks that likely could increase your happiness and fulfillment.

Our therapists address the intersection of anxiety, depression, and trauma with compassion, kindness, and expertise. You can find relief - in my 16 years of experience, I’ve seen it happen time and again. Anxiety counseling works. On occasion, with your permission, we may coordinate with your other care providers in order to provide you with comprehensive support. In all cases, you are an active partner in your therapy.

You may still have some concerns about anxiety therapy…

My anxiety is part of who I am, I’m afraid I won’t know myself if I let go of my anxiety.

Good news, you won’t lose yourself. In fact, you’ll gain much more of yourself that you ever thought was possible. You won’t have to regret the lost time spent endlessly worrying over what might happen, instead you’ll be able to live fully and wholly in the present. Your fundamental personality traits don’t change. Instead, they’re able to shine through more clearly as the fog of anxiety dissipates.

Yes, my anxiety is draining and distressing, but it also helps me, I’m not sure it feels safe to let it go.

Maybe you feel that your anxiety helps you to be more detail oriented and that it prevents problems. Letting go of your anxiety does not mean that all of a sudden you will become particularly disorganized. Instead, you’ll be able to pay attention to details and then move past the issue. You’ll learn to trust your instincts and problem-solving abilities without having to check, double check, and triple check your plans. Alternatively, you will learn when to note your worry is coming from a realistic concern that is solvable or when it is arising from anxiety. It takes time and bravery, but eventually, you’ll be able to note when your anxious thoughts are originating in anxiety and choose not to respond to them, giving you back those precious moments to really live your life.

Doesn’t everyone worry? Do I really need therapy?

Yes, everyone worries from time to time. And it’s not always unhealthy. But, you’re here right now, reading this page on anxiety therapy. I’m guessing something motivated you to come here. Ask yourself, is your anxiety starting to interfere with your personal or professional life? Does it impede your ability to engage socially with even your closest friends? Do you find yourself waking up in the middle of the night panicking that you made an error on your latest work project and spend the rest of the night in a cold sweat, waiting for daylight so you can run to work and check on things? (And subsequently find out everything is fine.) Do you ever ruminate on the health and wellbeing of your closest loved ones, despite all signs that they are perfectly good? If any of this seems a little bit like your experience, then I can imagine just how much distress you experience from your anxiety. The above takes a tremendous toll on your emotional and physical health and energy. Imagine if you could let all that go? What better investment is there than learning about your anxiety and the tools to manage it? Anxiety therapy can help you regain some control over your thoughts and actions so you can live your life as you were meant to.

You can live a life free from anxiety

Think we could be a good fit? Our anxiety therapists are available for clients in-person in Washington, DC and online for clients in Washington, DC, Maryland, and Virginia. Please reach out soon, you don’t have to suffer in silence. We can help. Click the button below to schedule an appointment. We look forward to working with you!


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